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10 Resolutions that will change your life

Home Lifestyle 10 Resolutions that will change your life

Here we are about to celebrate the New Year and many people are getting their resolutions ready. Most of the time, we make one or two but the average person gives up by February 1. We are making the wrong kinds of resolutions and we need to try some that will help our overall wellness: I’m looking at you LOSE WEIGHT resolution! These 10 resolutions that will change your life will help your physical and mental wellness.

I don’t suggest you do all of these at the same time, maybe just pick one and you will find you will be in a much better place mentally and physically.

10 Resolutions that will change your life

Gratitude Journal

How often do you celebrate what you have? Do you find yourself complaining about what you don’t have versus what you do? This is where a gratitude journal comes in.

Make a habit of writing one thing you are grateful for every day and when you have a rough day, go back and look at what you have in your life you enjoy. It could be something simple like, “I saw a cute dog.”

This can help you get through tougher times and just the act of writing it down can help boost your mood. Having a cute journal will help you remember and want to do this daily.

Calling a friend

Social media is making us anything but social. We get online and interact with our friends through our media channels or text them when we think of them. How often do you call your friends? If you are like me, you really do not.

I have many good friends that I do not interact with outside of social media. When I do see them, I wonder why we didn’t do it sooner or why we don’t talk more often, but find that I fall back into my old patterns.

Try to make a habit of calling a friend once a month next year.

Calling a friend


It seems that everyday tends to feel the same. However, each day will have something that makes it special if you look for it.

Did you see a crazy bumper sticker or were you given a hug by the guy at Kroger that helps with groceries out of nowhere because he said he, “Just wants the pandemic to be over because he needs hugs?” (true story!). Did you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while?

This New Year’s Resolution idea can help clear your mind

All these things are great to write about in a journal. You might look back one day and read something you forgot about and had really enjoyed at the time.

Try to get a journal to write down what was different about the day, how you are feeling or something that’s on your mind. When you look back on it, you will find more clarity or a laugh from the memory.

This journal looks like it could become a valuable keepsake for your family one day and it is refillable.


How flexible are you or could you be more flexible? Most of us do not stretch regularly or at all. Stretching is a way of making your body more pliable and can relax your muscles. You will help yourself avoid injuries and enable your joints to move with more motion.

There are many benefits for exercise and stretching can make exercising more bearable with muscle soreness relief or help in performance. Try to stretch for at least 5-10 minutes a day and see if it makes a difference with your body.

Cooking with the family


Are you the type of person who will order take out more than you cook? You are not alone! Many people don’t know how to cook or just feel like it’s too much effort. I’ll tell you a secret: cooking is just following directions. Depending on the recipe, you can vary the amount of effort.

As a mom of a preschooler and a third grader that have to be picked up, dropped off, picked up again and only have a finite amount of time to eat, I have learned many tricks. I know how to eat heathy when we are busy and this goes a long way because I really want to feed my family nutritious food.

This New Year’s Resolution could be beneficial to the whole family

Try out some one pot recipes or sheet pan meals if you don’t want to have much cleanup. Get a slow cooker for those busy nights and try this recipe! Find something you really like at a restaurant and figure out how to make it. I have found when replicating restaurant meals, they use entirely too much fat and I can reduce it for a healthier meal.

You can try this alone or enlist friends and family to help. There could even be a night in your house where you do a theme and make a party out of it. Just get cooking!

Limit Screen Time

We all do it! You’re playing with your kids or listening to someone talk and an alert goes off on your phone. You pick it up and check on the alert and get sucked into your phone. The person you were talking to gives up and your kid just assumes that’s what people do. Phones have turned us slightly into zombies.

In your phone, you will be able to see how much screen time you have in a day. Look at the week average and try to cut it down one hour a day and see if you can make that work. You could even turn on the do not disturb mode and the notifications will not come in. That way you can give your attention to the person you are with or go read a book instead of scrolling.


Go for a walk

Walking is so good for us to do. When we get outside, we are able to get away from the distractions of our house and just enjoy some nature and fresh air. It is good to clear your mind, get some Vitamin D and it is a great form of exercise.

You could even listen to a podcast, some music, call someone or invite a friend. Try going for a walk at least once a week to keep yourself moving and boost your mood.

Learn a new skill

When was the last time you learned how to do something new? I personally try many things but tend to quit when it gets a little hard, which won’t take very long with a new skill.

This year, try out a new skill and try to stick with it for at least 3 months. There are typically community groups that have activities to try with people who are knowledgeable with the skills needed and they could mentor you. Who knows, you could make some new friends in the process!

Rock climbing wall

Try a new activity

Do you watch your kids do activities and think, “That looks fun! I wish I could do it.” These days, most activities have no age limit. Maybe you want to try horseback riding but were never able to. Do some research online and I’m sure you will be able to find someone who offers lessons.

What things look interesting to you but you’ve been nervous to try? I personally would love to try rock climbing walls, but I’ve never had the chance to try. Maybe this year I should make more of an effort.

Take a class

This point goes with the ones above in a way, but do you like to learn? I went to school to be a music teacher, but that isn’t the only that is interesting to me. Just because I have a couple college degrees, doesn’t mean I have to stop learning.

There are colleges everywhere that offer online learning for continuing education. Think about what things you enjoy doing in your free time and decide if you would want to learn more about them or even have some skills in that subject. Who knows, it could spark a career change you never saw coming.

What kinds of resolutions do you make? Do you change it up regularly or is it the same thing every year?

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