This stadium workout will get your heart pounding!
There’s just something about the football season that makes me want to be working out in the stadium. The weather is a bit cooler and after watching the athletes on the field, you just want to do something that will make you feel strong.
That’s where this workout comes in. If you live in a college town like I do, you will have access to some stadiums. Usually, they don’t mind if community members go on their track and stadium but double check first! If you don’t have access, you could always go to a high school stadium.
This workout is tough! You can modify as needed but this is a great one to do when you need a break from the gym and want to enjoy the fall weather.
Warm up
Walk one lap around the track.
Jog one lap around the track.
Stretch lower body.
Stadium Workout
Run up the stadium to the top, then run/walk across the top to the other side and run back down.
When you get to the bottom, do walking lunges all the way back to the other side.
Run up the stadium to the top, then run/walk across the top to the other side and run back down.
Do a high knee skip back to the other side.
Run up the stadium to the top, then run/walk across the top to the other side and run back down.
Do ten pushups and return to the start.
Run up the stadium to the top, then run/walk across the top to the other side and run back down.
Walk two laps around the track to cool down.
Modifications for working out in the stadium
Again, this is up to you and your level. If you can’t do the run that many times, just do what you can! There is no shame in stopping or even walking up the stairs.
This could be used if you are working out twice a day. Do this in the morning and weights later.
Or, if you wanted more variety, take the steps two at a time once or twice. Make sure to take your time when you finish to cool down. Your blood will be pumping like crazy so you’ll need to slow it down and not just stop.
Stadium workout recovery
When you finish, make sure to hydrate and fuel properly. My Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal would be perfect after this because it has carbs to replenish the ones you burned off and protein to feed your muscle.
Also, I really like these bars. They taste like candy bars and are vegan and gluten free!
Do you live in a an area where you can run a stadium? Do you do it regularly?