Home gym in a small space

How to Build a Home Gym in a small space

Home Fitness How to Build a Home Gym in a small space

You have decided you want to build a home gym in a small space. Unfortunately, it can be tough to stay motivated to work out at home. Not having access to the same equipment or classes that you do at the gym makes it easy to get distracted and find excuses not to work out. But there are plenty of benefits to working out at home – you can save money, time, and the stress of dealing with crowds at the gym.

You also have the added convenience of it being right there when you need it. Personally, I find that I work out at home as much as I do the gym. The motivation of the time and money I spent building it up makes me want to use it more. My home gym has no hours, just the ones I want to keep.

Do you want to commit to working out at home? Create a space that is dedicated to your workouts. This can be difficult if you live in a small apartment or house, but it is possible to create a functional and effective home gym in a small space. I hope you see this as your all in one guide.

Obviously, I see nothing wrong with going to the gym, but if you want something different, this can help.

Here is a list of 5 items that will help you set up a home gym in a small space.

Build a home gym in a small space with some adjustable Dumbbells

Dumbbells are a great way to add some resistance to your workouts without taking up a lot of space. They’re perfect for exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, and lunges. These adjustable dumbbells are perfect for a small space because it is several different weights that all pack up into a compact space.

Use a Yoga mat for small spaces

A yoga mat is a must-have for any home gym. It’s great for stretching, yoga, and Pilates, and it can also be used for exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. These are great for a small space due to the ability to roll up and unroll wherever you want.

An exercise ball is a great addition

An exercise ball is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used for a variety of exercises, including crunches, circles, sit-ups, and Pilates. It’s also a great way to add some instability to your workouts, which can help improve your balance and coordination. Exercise balls are also fun to sit on a computer desk instead of a chair. It can improve core strength and make productivity easier for people who have trouble sitting still. Also, kids love to play with them!

Resistance Bands are a great space saver in a home gym

A resistance band is a great way to add some resistance to your workouts without using any extra weight. They’re perfect for exercises like bicep curls, triceps extensions, shoulder presses, and lunges. Bands are perfect for a small space as they take up very little space and can be easily stored away in a small box when not in use.

A foldable treadmill is a great way to do cardio in a home gym

Foldable treadmills are an excellent tool to have in a home gym. This allows you to have a way to do some cardio, and fold it up when you are done. Some of these are able to handle sprints!

Non equipment ways to work out at home

There are many different fitness apps that anyone can take advantage of that are free or very cheap. Here is a list of some of my favorites that can provide a great workout for free or for a small charge.

To workout at home, you do not necessarily need equipment, just the desire, and willpower to crank out a workout. But, many people have trouble pushing to do that. Try to have a space in your house that is for workouts and make it a motivational space. I know some people even motivate themselves by putting an outfit they want to fit into in front of their workout space! Wall art can also be motivational.

Just remember, everyone has to start somewhere, and just doing this research helps you start on your own personal journey. No one needs a fancy gym to get results, just willpower and determination.

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